EXPLORE Anlièasiá

Kingdom of Erenälh
- Government system: Feudalistic Absolute Monarchy
- Head of state and government: King (or Queen)
- Most recent known head: King Richard
- Territorial divisions: Shires
- Heads of territorial divisions: Sheriffs of the Shire, various Lords
- Capital: Iacon
One of the legendary Five Kingdoms of Anlièasiá, Erenähl, was founded centuries ago by the great king Bruta, who became it’s first king. The monarchy’s authority was considered absolute and maintained control over the military and domestic politics, assisted by a council of trusted advisors. Though the title is male-oriented, the bearer of the crown is gender-neutral and queens could inherit the crown without issue. The firstborn child was the heir apparent, usually referred to as the Crown Prince or the Crown Princess, though the firstborn could be passed over for inheritance at the birth of a more suitable heir. The position was usually held for life, but incumbent monarchs could choose to step down and pass on the crown to their heirs who ruled as regent until formally coronated. The spouse of the current monarch was referred to as the Queen Regent or King Regent, depending on the circumstances
Erenähl’s relationship with the other nations prior to the Hundred Years War was largely positive, until the invasion of the Borroding Empire and propaganda campaigns under the Church led to a rise in xenophobia between many of the kingdom’s neighbors and other nations as a whole. Over a hundred years of war, bloodshed, and genocide resulted in the loss of many lives, destruction of important agricultural centers, a high demand of militarization, and heavy taxes, leaving many of the people, save the landed nobles, starving, with mixed feeling toward the current king.
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